Posts about covidiot news and education
CPAC Crowd Boos Organizers for Mask Reminder
COVIDIOT Lawmaker Removes His Mask to Sneeze
Proof of Mask Effectiveness
Trump Tests Positive for COVID-19
COVIDiots on Motorcycles
Anti-Covidiot PSA From Pennsylvania
Delta Bans Covidiots For Life
He Voted Against Masks...
July 4 Covidiots Make Corona Petri Dish
Legal Advice for Anti-Maskers
June Covidiots Stoke July COVID Deaths
Trader Joe's Covidiot Freakout
Advertisement - Three TrueMasks for $15
Texan Covidiot Priorities
Kentucky Church Covidiot
Pastor Jeff Fugate threatened to sue Kentucky about restrictions on social gatherings. Now 17 of his church members have reportedly tested positive for coronavirus.
Memorial Day Weekend Covidiots
Covidiots with Weapons
Read about the protestor who became ill at the NY Post.
Racist Michigan Covidiots
Read this covidiot story at The Guardian.
Chris Christie, a Reformed Covidiot
St. George, Utah Rally Against Masks - Sept 2020
Covidiots Congregate in Berlin
Armed Covidiots of Michigan
Covidiots with Southern Style
A Covidiot In the Air
Christie Covidiot Can Go First
Vice Covidiot Repents
KKK Covidiot in California
Costco vs Covidiots
Teach a Covidiot
Covidiot Seen In Nature
Elon Musk, a Wealthy Covidiot
Grim Reaper Warns Florida Covidiots
Covidiots of Massachusetts Unite
The Grandma Killer
Anti-Covidiot Idea
Classic Florida Covidiots
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